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On Server: OBSOLETESUPERSTARS.COMHostage Rescue (Coop) 
Site (2) : -1- -2-
Ubinameused Nicks
nebula71xtrnebula, Baltimore_Oriol, Bear, Zo6_Bitch, brb, Zo6, Viracocha, Neßula, roof, _, %, *, :P, downstairs, I_DO, stillonedownthe, ok, Meatplow, orkillurself, runningoutoftim, wrongway, Behinddoor, underyoumaru, Sandy, Walter_Gerlach, yea, Hans_Kammler, joinbyip, Ave_Maria, Panda, Aardvark_, Pelican, Elephant, Coyote, Slug, Falcon, Eagle, Polar_Bear, Black_Widow, Dove, Chicken, Cow, Badger, Eel, Weasle, Deer, Groundhog, Cobra, Mongoose, Humpty, Osirus, Horus, Isis, Ra, Thoth, Glock19, Nikola_Tesla, topofcrane, O.C_Hilgenberg, Otto_Skorzeny, Pak_Suo_Won, John_Clark, JOHNDOE, John_Snow, Ned_Stark, Robb_Stark, Jesse_Pinkman, Walter_White, Raylan_Givens, Arya_Stark, Bill_Compton, Rooster_Cogburn, Nicholas_Brody, Rust_Cohle, Daryl_Dixon, Rick_Grimes, Steve_Rogers, Bruce_Banner, Clark_Kent, John_Clark_, Ragnar_Lothbrok, Private_Pyle, StandsWithFist, Harvey_Dent, Jack_Ryan, Sansa_Stark, in_bunkers, Robb_Stark_, ur_left, Katelyn_Stark, backatladdrwefr, Bob_Ross, Flash_Gordon, Jack_Tripper, Texas_Pete, behindu, Ellen_Ripley, inside, Rob_Lowe, gettingcoffee, L.H_Oswald, RG3, Marsha_Brady, Norman_Bates, 2ndfloorroom, JOHNDOE(1), coffee, Andy_Griffeth, Molon_Labe, outside, underground
Overall184 15 3778 941 24% 43 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 12.27 Score: 8025
nightdarknessRunaway, ChubbyRainbow
Overall40 18 735 119 16% 19 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.22 Score: 466
nstyle-86xlinux, xalex, aléx, aléx_brb, upstairs_2nd, brb, outside_behind_, A³Terrorist, A²terrorist, íknøw, .aléx.
Overall250 16 2106 982 46% 24 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 15.62 Score: 6567
OaksumJOHNDOE, Oaksum
Overall40 536 195 36% 13 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 8.00 Score: 1647
Ogryzek86Ogryzek_PL, Fortuna, Furia_PL
Overall71 272 150 55% 12 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 7.89 Score: 1622
OniMoanaOS*PrincessOni, OS*SexyNurseOni, FreshOni, GO_BACK, Jane, OS*VoyeurOni, Outside, OS*...*.*..., OtherSide, roof, OS*BreitesGrins, SomeChick, takeTIME, OS*Mrs.Oni, OS*Fantasy, MussPinkeln, LuvYaPops, CautionStairs, EinSüßesLuder, EinScharfesStüc, EinGeilesStück, KleinesGeiles, OS*OldLady, OS*Young'n'Swee, OS*SpeedyLuder, OS*SpeedysLuder, Feuchtgebiet, Rattenscharf, LUNCH, Mrs.Oni, unter_dir, OS*Wattebausch, OS*ZuluLuder, OS*KuschelnWill, Draußen, Full_Tower, SLOW, FUL, GoBackFence, HungryBrb, Tunnel, Brb, OS*ChocoPussy, behindMaskRoof, OS*Kittyhunter, NimmDirZeit, LEFT, OS*PussyKiller, MySecretLuvJigg, Blue, Pink, PinkMuffin, OS*GeilesLuder, below_you, GoSlow, OS*Unerfahren, OS*Cute, OS*LecktSpeedy, OS*Cuty, MachLangsam, NichLustich, OS*MrsOni, yellow_house_sp, Turn, IPaddress, Website, OS*Feuchtgebiet, Mitte, WatchWebsite, Crepes, OS*ExtremErfahr, OS*Unschuldig, OS*KleinesGeile, OS*Slow&Easy, OS*Sweety, OS*SexySweety, OS*MiladyOni, OS*EinGanzLiebe, osFrechesLiebes, OS*FrecheLiebe, clear, OS*SexyLadyOni, SweetTemptation, OS*JealousGirl, OS*SweetGirl, OS*Delicious, Oni, HOLE, OS*ZuluSpeedy, OS*SexyBeast, Strawberry, JiggyBabe, OS*LilSweetyOni, ...*.*..., CuteLilSweety, OS*BoesesLiebes, BoesesEtwas, NoChocoForJig, ZULUspeedy, Schnuffelchen, OS*Oni, VerenaAgina, BoesesMadel, BEHIND_YA, OS*Quicky, OS*MissNoSleep, OS*Voyeur, OS*Exhibitionis, OS*Blasebalg, KleinesLuder, OS*LaggyLadyOni, Y.E.X.S, OS*Y.E.X.S_Swee, OS*Y.E.X.S*Oni, OS*Y.X.E.S*Oni, YourDirtyHobby, OS*SweetSecret, OS*SpeedysNurse, OS*YourReward, multispawnREGAL, OS*Check, KleineGeileMaus, ZULUspeedy!, OS*SweetChili, OS*ZuluLady, RIGHT, OS*ScaryLady, LEFTcorner, OS*BewareBites, Snowball, OS*BunnyOni, behind_you, OS*SunshineOni, OS*ZuluLadyOni, Yellow, OS*GeileSau, OS*MiladyYeah, OS*VeryLaggyOni, OS*MuffinSweety, BEHIND, OS*JiggleBabe, OS*SweetLilOni, OS*OniMapTests, OS*OniTests_, Up, OS*OniTesting, OS*Zuluuu, OS*TestGoddess, OS*MildayOni, OS*SpeedyHunter, TurnNGo, OS*FairyOni, OS*SpeedyEater, OS*LilCutyOni, HINTER, Ahead..._not_le, OS*SuperLagOni, UpSpeedy, OS*EvilOni, OS*, CornerWall, OS*InvisibleOni, Ai, OS*LilGift
Overall660 115 6296 2781 44% 187 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.74 Score: 8098
paputek81paput_(szpak), paput(szpak)-PL, paput[szpak]
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.00 Score: 203
Overall37 361 154 42% 10 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.29 Score: 1083
Overall53 17 32% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.00 Score: 103
radon_220radon_220, radon, Frodo_Fraggins
Overall49 17 533 211 39% 32 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.88 Score: 1869
Overall28 11 613 146 23% 15 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.55 Score: 529
rogeirorogeiro, rog, g2go_cu_team, 2ndfurniture, top_floor, basement
Overall260 33 1477 836 56% 48 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 7.88 Score: 5225
Rubba0Band0Manleeb, n0, DeactivatingBom, Zats.Odd..., ZuluGOGOGO
Overall64 879 356 40% 44 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 21.33 Score: 13963
rxs-100RXS, forest_gump, IM_PISSED, O_YES, -NATE-RXS, LADDER, where_eclipse_i, 1_on_castel_wal, PreOp, balcony_liying_, spawn_building_, above_my_dead_b, missed_one, flowers, garadge, 2-MANY-Eggs, out_back_, roof_at_begin, back_in_generat, enter_the_drago, underground, The_Hooded_Claw, book_case, in_toilet, ERU-VAN, door_that_wont_, Robbie_Excess, he_on_ladder, warehouse, BRB, take_telliport, DER_SHERIFF, under_boat, CAREFULL, forklift, go_back, ROOF, AT_LORRYS, UP, SCROOGE, UP_TOP, 1_outside_laydo, red_truck, under_ship, roof_building, under-ship, go_up_ladder
Overall78 14 815 254 31% 18 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 5.57 Score: 1160
SenorMoeSenorMoe, top_concrete_ca, big_hall, go_back, go_up_mountain, on_the_fan, upper_floor_nex, MrMoe, machs_zuende, Hale_Ceasar, go_diagonal, other_direction, up_on_the_tower, above_restauran, B.A.Baracus, Busi_St.Claire, one_in_windows, Machete, ground_floor, BananaPhone, AwesomeName, boat_on_horizon, two_behind_fenc, one_at_spawn, go_up_blitz, ground_floor_mi, back_blitz, roof, sqaurehouse_roo, left, AwsomeName, two_warehouse_g, RocketRonnie, pool_Table_floo, door_right_side, top_of_topfloor, warehouse_stair, go_on, look_down, goto_my_x, office_rooms_up, ok, outside, sniper_other_bu, table, go_to_tv, jam_in_front_of, AwesomeName^, tango_at_cars, other_planes_bu, up_the_ladder, other_way^, vent_at_tv, behind_door, not_cear, upstairs, Up!, green_magagoni_, next_to_stove, behind_u, one_second_floo, very_top_yellow, downstairs_clea, roof_at_crane, opposite_roof, warehouse_middl, down_oni, down, ground_floor_lo, up_here, laying_on_balco, cold_beer, clear_there, oil_tanks_up, spawn_left_up, up_that_ladder, 1_left_inside, roof_n_garden, grave, behind_target_r, Keenan, DrNo, 1_house_left, spawn!, go_bacK-n-out, MontagsMaler, cellar, zulu, VodkaVomit, house_near_midd, fuck_you, behind_door_sta, one_floor_down, corner_booth, near_spawn_open, spawn_fence, elrondecuba, spawn, 1_on_lowest_flo, Domingo_Chavez, front_of_sphinx, myplaceleft, other_side-hous, go_up, underground!
Overall117 11 584 352 60% 19 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 10.64 Score: 2216
Overall14 50% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.50 Score: 52
sluggo53_1Sluggo, one_roof, 2onAframe, ByWashers, ByTrashContnr, oneFarAlly, behndYou, outBack, Slugg, OneByBoat, Maybe(1), 1topBldg, DiningRoom, goback, OneBldgLowLvl, 1behindchainlin, OctoSluggo, FinishIt, ROOFTOP, topSubBldg, rightside, bottomlevel, WentUpStair, Sluggo_, 1onotherRoof
Overall81 733 318 43% 31 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 10.12 Score: 6481
SRVNORMANDYScottsuneMiku, Bookman, Use_G_to_find
Overall273 64 2548 947 37% 82 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.27 Score: 4052
Overall82 20 557 315 56% 27 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 4.10 Score: 1749
Strat111BlitZ, by_spawn, upstairs, spawn, behind_fence, trailer_w_biggl, spawn_fence, bathroom, Player, JOHNDOE, generators, basement, near_yellow_car, dumpster, roof_spawn, outside_spawn, ISLAND, outside, term_bldg_roof, back_prkng_lot, behin_the_fench, crane_hook, boiler_room, WAREHOUSE, up_top, water_tower, bldg_near_stair, top_of_volcano, rooftops, tunnels, 2_in_corner, generator_room, in_the_pit, 3rd_floor_cntr_, BELOW_YOU, on_island, behind_U, roof, meat_counter, ground, crate_water, behind_shed, helicopter, room_w_boat, bath_term_bldg, 2_flr_hanger_nx, CRANE, nearspwanprone
Overall205 18 867 620 71% 25 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 11.39 Score: 4805
Overall83% 11 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 1.00 Score: 213
Overall62 28 45% 10 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.00 Score: 1229
Sylwek_098[GJ]wasco, roof, JOHNDOE, MniCh, wasco, GROM.Sylwek(PL), tancer., Pralat, Krilan, Diakon, Student, JA, Wasco., obronca_wizny, wa[GJ]sco., brzeszczot
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.00 Score: 0
ta396ssOS*WINCHESTER, OS_WINCHESTER, OS-WINCHESTER, under_plane, upstairsbath, open_grave, one_back_corner, BurtNGurt
Overall148 15 1347 649 48% 23 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 9.87 Score: 4145
thebaardJOHNDOE, viking, hungoverguy, drunkassfuck, Drunk_Ass_Fuck, Dickhead, Ugly_Boy, Basement, NOOO, spawn, Go_Down, Top_of_Building
Overall17 120 44 36% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.83 Score: 288
The_PlainsmanJOHNDOE, The_Plainsman, Jaguar_F-Type_R
Overall254 57 22% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 3.50 Score: 354
thunder9909|Thunder|, Kill_em_All, The.SrgtThunder, Deadend_Doors, Top_Volcano, upper_level, Below_Balcony, outside, upper_wndw, baydoor_spawn, behind_u, 2_lower_level, spawn_hall, outer_ring, go_back, Te.SrgtThunder, on_hill, tall_gold, Level_2!!!!!!!!, Finish_it, outside_pool, Top_Picnic, tunnels_under, floor_1_closed_, FInish_em, Above_Stairs, Nub, Outside_front, TheSrgtThunder, outside_, temple, grnd_by_spawn, back_@_windows, basement, level_1_room_ta, Kel_u_missed_on, back_at_ladder, 1_in_green_trai, Washrooms, art_room, Gringo, crnr_door, 2nd_floor, tall_roof, back_entrance, other_house, 1st_Floor, barn, same_place_last, Bunn_Rubber, front_door, under_staris!!, np_kill_em_all, one_back_behond, basement_many_, little_room_bel, above_u, top_level_house, parts_bathroom, play_on_kill_em, top_ring, more_below_u, Red_Ring_top, below_rum, 1st_floor_front, Top_Offices, sub_close_spawn, yes_stark_there, Blue_Trailor, play_on, warehouse_crate, Thunder_Buns, kill_them_all, Thunder_Bunz, underground, tango_left_door, Under_Ladder, Buns_Of_Thunder
Overall56 430 358 83% 49 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 6.22 Score: 4151
Toaxan44JOHNDOE, JOHNDOE(1), Toaxan_PL, DeathWind, DeathWindToax, BreathDeath, GiVerOFdeAth-_-, GiVer(o_F)Death, (=_=), Toaxan_P(-_-)L, ToaxanPL(-_-), Toaxan(-_-), Toaxan, ToAxan|UMP|, ToAxan[uMp], ToAxan[PL], ToA_Xan_, T()AxAN, ToAxan(^_^), nade_top_window, FearLess(-_-), ToAxLess(-_-), TangoGiver(-_-), (-_-)naxAoT, ToAxan(PL), ToAxanPL, ToAxan|PL|, Mr.Brooks, Mr.Br_00ks, Mr.ToAx, xXAk-47Xx, -_-, Anonymous, Anonymous(X)-(X, naxAoT, [ToAx], (-_-), (-_-)(\_), L85A1, TheKindOFBeatle, TheToAxan, (ToA-_-xan), Too00, ToAxy, ..:::ToAxan:::., -:-, 8-----------=], T0x0T, ., Velvet, Tooo, --|-------, --]--------ToAx, ToA....n, TAn, ToXTeR, PoooGoofAxan, MP5SD5, (9mm), (0), MicroKurwa, (Y)=(O)=(.), -=_=-, Pooser, ToA, TangoVacummer, Pooma, Poolak!, Poogelan, Poojuana, ToA[][][]
Overall287 22 7% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.75 Score: 76
TroutSlayerMT¦§¤§|Lou_Dawg, Lou_Dawg
Overall251 34 2044 900 44% 48 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 7.38 Score: 4895
VampyreChaos_ZOMBIESOLDIER_, CanadianBacon, =PsYcHo-SniPeR=, ZombieNightmare, Nightmare, Apocalyptic, Dementia, HeLLiSH_LuNaTiC, _KiLLeR_LuNaTiC, 1_in_a_Closet, TerroSmallPath, KiLLeR_LuNaTiC_, KiLLeR_InSTiNcT, KiLLeRiNsTiNcTs, KiLLeRiNsTiNcT, missed1Gate, Bathrooms, down_below, go_in_warp, very_bottom, missed1down, Right_corner, Above_very_top, I_N_JOYBIGBOOBS, KiLLeRDuBsTePs, 1min, Weed&Speed, Nearthere, SniprFrontTrain, Out_back, RightSideTop, Green_Ladder, MyRealFakeName, Big_Boxes, RoofWhiteTruck, 28_left, finish_it, ¦§¤§¦KïLL£R£vïL, 3RD_FLOOR, Sniper_On_Roof, ¦§¤§¦£vïL, ¦§¤§¦£vïL3up, ¦§¤§¦£vïLSniPeR, ¦§¤§¦Bleep, ¦§¤§¦DeMoN, ¦§¤§¦£vïLDicK, ¦§¤§¦Ñïghtmäre©, 2ndfloorbarn2, ¦§¤§¦£viLMeani£, ¦§¤§¦£viLS£X, ¦§¤§¦£viLS£Xy, ¦§¤§¦£viL©, ¦§¤§¦£viLMeaNiE, ¦§¤§¦²£viL, Up_middle, 2mins, Down_in_hole, Outside_clear, 4_Top, DarkHorse, ¦§¤§¦²£viLMeany, ¦§¤§¦²Torture, Behind_Wall, ¦§¤§¦²Torment, ¦§¤§¦²ToRTuReD, ¦§¤§¦²ToRmEnTeD, Roof_Clear, ¦§¤§¦²TeRRiFieD, ¦§¤§¦²TeRRoR, ¦§¤§¦²TeRRoRisT, KiLLeRRooF, ¦§¤§¦£viLKiLLeR, ThePeNeTRaToR, Alot_There, ¦§¤§¦£viLGiGGLe, ¦§¤§¦Terrorist, ¦§¤§¦RainbowSix, 3_in_hole, ¦§¤§¦Terrorist6, 2danstrou, go_back, ¦§¤§¦£viLRaT, ¦§¤§¦£viLFooKeR, ImNotReal, IDontExist, ¦§¤§¦²ÐëRåñGëÐ, ¦§¤§¦²ÐëMëñTëÐ", ¦§¤§¦²ÐëMëñTëЩ, ¦§¤§¦²ÐëMëñTëÐ, ¦§¤§¦²§iLëñT, ¦§¤§¦§iLëñT£viL, ¦§¤§¦²£viLÐëaÐ, ¦§¤§¦²ÐëaÐ, Clear_jeff, 1outside_middle, RightMountain, CornerStairs, Lowerlvl, ¦§¤§¦HoRRoR, §¤§¦£viL, ¦§¤§¦FreakaZoid, behind_u, 2_tunnel, MainEntrance, Down, GroundRamp, Controlroombelo, ¦§¤§¦²TheGrinch, jailotherside, {Xmas}TheGrinch, {Xmas}Epiphany, ¦§¤§¦²Epiphany, u_were_close2_1, ¦§¤§¦²LOL, {Xmas}Alien, AlienLeader, ReptilianAlien, {Iguanoid}Alien, The{Xmas}Alien, |MIB|Mr.Black, |MIG|Mr.Grey, |MIW|Mr.White, Ourspawn, Creepy, shower_area, 1UNDER, ¦§¤§¦²Dr.Death, 1roof, ChesterMolester, ¦§¤§¦²DoucheBag, ¦§¤§¦Conspiracy, ¦§¤§¦TheAnomaly, ¦§¤§¦²Black£viL
Overall22 171 82 47% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 11.00 Score: 1108
viceroy69sexefille-tueuse, chicaca, -=avatar69, body-love, viceroy69, lady-marmelade, frags-girl, golden_eyes, peter_pan, peter-pan
Overall49 236 163 69% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 49.00 Score: 4982
Viquis(TO)$h!onger, BlowM3Hard, w!gg!3wogg!3, I'mNobody, (Tac-Ops)$h!ong, $tepDaddy$h!ong, Da'$h!onger!, Down_below!, (TO)$Sh!onger, ButterBean, gno!h$, (TO)$h!ong, |FU|.chlong., .gnolhs., (Tac-Ops)Shlong, $anta$h!ong, |SK|TO.Shlong, StepDaddyShlong, |SK|wig!3wog!3, |SK|T.O.Shlong, .ziggy., |SK|TO.ziggy., |SK|TO.shlong., DaShlonger!, DaShlong, |SK|TO.Shlong!, JOHNDOE, BronxBoy, .ozmosis., Ozmosis., Howie_go_up__u_, Shlong, shoot_tabole, RobotChicken, (TO)Shlonga!, Potato|Shlongs, (TO)Rasputin, (Tac-Ops)Rasput, (T0)Rasputin, (TO)Shlonger, 9, (TO)Shlong, .rasputin., .shlomo, .SliperyShlong, .freshshlong., .shlonger., (TO)Shlong., .guess., (TO)Shlong!, .not2day., Shlonger, GroggyShlong, Mr_meener, .shlong., .i_am_shlong., Shlong_Lives!, .penelope., emtae, Snow, (TO)Shlonger., {Xmas}Kocs, .shlong.., JollyRgr, Sorrow, ShlongoPlay
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 0.00 Score: 2
Overall23 322 105 32% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 7.67 Score: 781
Overall160 36 22% 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 3.00 Score: 303
xPinKpink.., brb, lol, pink-brb, pink<3vamp, 2_in_there, pink-[mad], =TR=Pink, A-Billion, ::Goldfish::, ROOOOOOOOOOF, pink@tequila!, |SK|Pink.., RedPanda, sasha-Fierce!, pinkzirra!, yay_thunda, Pink_Buns
Overall39 293 206 70% 38 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 39.00 Score: 25219
XxBuLLeTzxX1337BuLLeTz, BuLLeTz*, on_top
Overall217 19 743 523 70% 35 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 11.42 Score: 7371
xXFeRReTXx|<Lookout>|, Gizmo*=ZRT=*, DEA_Capt.Bud420, Dickdude45, Colts45, Snowman||AG6||, .Sasquatch., outsidespawn, Nospeakenglish_, <Lookout>, rF.Spyre*=, FWF.Loki, DEA.CaptBud420, SunGod|||AG6|||, mybodynearunope, Chileno=D@M=, Cleaner||VDP||, *Lcpl.Kenny*=, Ferret||AG6||, LDL_Strike^, X-52, roof, betweenu, Snowman, ZRT.GizmO*, Hollyfia, last_guy_at_lef, ZRT.GizmO., rF.Spyre-, LDL_Strike, mybodydeadnear, TB.Rays, Ferret, Nick_Foles*, Casper||AG6||, <|Casper|>, Easykill=T4L=, Russia_Vodka, outsidebytower, Cpl.Kenny*=, Kenny.McCormick, <|Lookout|>, Ka-52, outsideyardtree, left_spawn_roof, roofnearspawnpr, mydeadbodyhere, stanonthebed, ZL1-Camaro, Chris_Evans*=, hererightbyu, sINIStAr=T4L=, pronenearhillbu, benchglass, Athena_Sword, top_roof, rF.Sypre-, Ferret|||AG6|||, DAM_Sneak, fragatwallhack, MP-97, |FS|Hollyfia, VD_Jade, Cpl.Budshoot, Cpl.Budshoot*=, Marshawn_Lynch, RD_DemonX, Hummingbird, Weasel., name_climbapole, Easykill, fraghitonthestr, TOP_Easykill, lowsewers, Backoffdead52, .GizMo., Chris_kyle, DEA_CaptBud420, PR-Elgar-, undertunnel, Cpl.Kenny*, r|p-Caparzo, R|P.Caparzo, Overkill*=D4L=, I2-tecH, i2_agent, TWD_Negan, top_mountain, OA_Certimus
Overall78 416 197 47% 11 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 9.75 Score: 1998
Overall34 12 253 134 52% 14 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 2.83 Score: 589
yautja1Manowar, Mannowar, Rooftop, 2nd_level_rooms, outterperimeter, upperlevelroom, Up, mountaintop, Lower_level, 2nd_level_room, In_Cargo_plane, Mannoar, frag_above, Bathroom, tunlunderstatue, 2ndFloorBldg, one_on_roof, DeepLeftSide
Overall251 22 1169 673 57% 40 
Summary: Kills/Deaths ratio: 11.41 Score: 7432


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